Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday radio interview numero uno

Earlier we had a phenomenal experience and opportunity with a radio station. According to our hosts, this was the secular radio station. This was a strategic move for the church here to have our team talk and play on their behalf.

It is our prayer that the listeners who heard the interview and songs were able to connect to us as people who were connected by our faith. We also hope that of they haven't already, they would take the steps towards a relationship with Jesus.

We will have another opportunity this evening to share with another radio station.

More to come...
- RE


  1. Thanks so much for keeping us posted! We are praying for your boldness and for Christ to shine thru you. Can't wait to hear how He's working, keep your eys open for God moments! Carrie xo

  2. We are praying for you--it sounds like you are doing great work for the Lord! Have a blessed remainder of the week--Elizabeth Beach
